• Premium – Siliconebased Lubricant 237 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Silicon Lubricant – Monoi 100 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Lick Her – Raspberry 50 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Touch and Tingle Gel 50 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Pleasure Gel 50 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Intimate Rejuvenation Gel 50 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Lick Him – Passionfruit 50 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Warming Massage Oil with Pommegranate 100 ml


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Waterbased Lubricant – 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Sperm Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Numbing Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Extra Thick Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Anal Relaxer 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Powder Lube 460 gr


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Powder Lube 230 gr


    Our journey begins with a profound commitment to your well-being, a dedication to crafting products that empower you to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. With every endeavour, we strive to make a difference in the world of nutrition and cosmetics.

  • Powder Lube 460 gr

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Powder Lube 275 gr

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Toy Glide – Waterbased Lubricant 100 ml


    Pjur is dedicated to enhancing your love life and overall well-being with a passion for pleasure. They strive to reignite joy, enabling carefree and satisfying sexual experiences. Explore the diverse portfolio of intimate products, including lubricants, stimulation, delay products, and niche specialties.

  • Orgasm Gel 50 ml

    love line

    Loveline believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.
    We aim to create a community where everyone can express themselves through the products they use. We believe that everyone should have access to products that make them feel confident, comfortable, and in wich they feel safe to explore their sexuall preferences. believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.

  • Silky Lubricant 150 ml

    love line

    Loveline believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.
    We aim to create a community where everyone can express themselves through the products they use. We believe that everyone should have access to products that make them feel confident, comfortable, and in wich they feel safe to explore their sexuall preferences. believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.

  • Anal Lubricant 150 ml

    love line

    Loveline believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.
    We aim to create a community where everyone can express themselves through the products they use. We believe that everyone should have access to products that make them feel confident, comfortable, and in wich they feel safe to explore their sexuall preferences. believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.

  • Erection Gel 50 ml

    love line

    Loveline believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.
    We aim to create a community where everyone can express themselves through the products they use. We believe that everyone should have access to products that make them feel confident, comfortable, and in wich they feel safe to explore their sexuall preferences. believes in making quality products accessible to everyone, regardless of gender and income. Our mission is to provide budget-friendly, inclusive, and recognizable items sourced from open sources.

  • Powder 250 gr


    Explore our curated assortment of adult toys, fetish wear, underwear, essentials and accessories, carefully chosen to cater to diverse desires and preferences. From luxurious vibrators and sleek prostate massagers to lubricants and  bondage gear.

  • Viva Cream Arousal Gel 5 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Fisting Formula 236 ml

    Tom of Finland logo

    Introducing Tom of Finland pleasure items, a groundbreaking collection that transcends boundaries and brings the iconic artistry of Tom of Finland to life in a bold and provocative way.

  • Desensitizing Oral Spray 118 ml

    Tom of Finland logo

    Introducing Tom of Finland pleasure items, a groundbreaking collection that transcends boundaries and brings the iconic artistry of Tom of Finland to life in a bold and provocative way.

  • Hybrid Lubricant 236 ml

    Tom of Finland logo

    Introducing Tom of Finland pleasure items, a groundbreaking collection that transcends boundaries and brings the iconic artistry of Tom of Finland to life in a bold and provocative way.

  • Waterbased Lubricant 236 ml

    Tom of Finland logo

    Introducing Tom of Finland pleasure items, a groundbreaking collection that transcends boundaries and brings the iconic artistry of Tom of Finland to life in a bold and provocative way.

  • Premium – Waterbased Lubricant 59 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Naked All Natural 236 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Naked All Natural 59 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Naked All Natural Fishbowl – 50 Pieces 30 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Naked All Natural – 10 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Naked All Natural 30 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • Lubricant with Strawberry Kiwi Flavor 118 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.

  • 4 in 1 Lubricant with Watermelon Flavor 118 ml


    With a focus on wellness and good health, Swiss Navy blends the best ingredients with proprietary formulations to create the finest intimate-care products, designed to help everyone live healthier lives.