• Numbing Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It will transform your fisting or fistfucking moments into experiences that are not only easier but also better and more intense. Our collection features various lubricants, from anal relaxer, CBD and extra thick to hybrid, natural, and numbing. Each lubricant is carefully made with a formula that makes sure your fisting experience is not only enhanced but reaches new heights of pleasure.

  • Numbing Lubricant 25 ml

    fist it logo

    Dermatologically Tested: This water-based lubricant is rigorously tested, ensuring its compatibility with latex condoms and suitability for various skin types.Fat-Free Formula: Enjoy a smooth and slippery experience without the greasy feel, promoting comfort and ease of use.Colorless and Odorless: The professional formula remains discreet, providing a seamless and unobtrusive experience for intimate moments./

  • Numbing Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Water-based formula is safe with any sex toySuitable for use with latex condomsDermatologically testedMade with a Fat-free formulaFor numbing effect/

  • Numbing Lubricant 1000 ml

    fist it logo

    Fist It is a water-based and condom friendly lubricantMade with a Longlasting formulaMade with a Non sticky formulaEasy to rinse offThis formula is 100% body safe/

  • Numbing Lubricant 50 ml

    Logo_ouch by shots

    OUCH! offers a wide range of products designed to cater to all kinds of fetishes, whether you’re a couple looking to spice up your relationship or an individual seeking solo exploration. From BDSM gear and restraints to toys and accessories for all kinds of kinks, we have something for everyone.

  • Numbing Lubricant 100 ml

    Logo_ouch by shots

    OUCH! offers a wide range of products designed to cater to all kinds of fetishes, whether you’re a couple looking to spice up your relationship or an individual seeking solo exploration. From BDSM gear and restraints to toys and accessories for all kinds of kinks, we have something for everyone.