• Hybrid Lubricant 236 ml

    Tom of Finland logo

    Introducing Tom of Finland pleasure items, a groundbreaking collection that transcends boundaries and brings the iconic artistry of Tom of Finland to life in a bold and provocative way.

  • Hybrid Lubricant 25 ml

    fist it logo

    Hybrid Innovation: Experience the best of both worlds with this water and silicon hybrid lubricant, combining the advantages of each for an exceptional intimate encounter.Versatile Application: Apply as much gel as desired to your preferred body parts, allowing for customizable and satisfying experiences.Safe and Discreet: Dermatologically tested, this lube is safe for use with latex condoms, and its discreet packaging ensures privacy./

  • Hybrid Lubricant 100 ml

    fist it logo

    Hybrid Innovation: Experience the best of both worlds with this water and silicon hybrid lubricant, combining the advantages of each for an exceptional intimate encounter.Versatile Application: Apply as much gel as desired to your preferred body parts, allowing for customizable and satisfying experiences.Safe and Discreet: Dermatologically tested, this lube is safe for use with latex condoms, and its discreet packaging ensures privacy./

  • Hybrid Lubricant 500 ml

    fist it logo

    Combines the best of both worldsDermatologically testedFor long lasting pleasureEasy to rinse offOdourless and tasteless/